Lake Elizabeth Mutual Water Co.
14960 Elizabeth Lake Road
Elizabeth Lake,  California  93532
Telephone Number  661-724-1806
Fax Number  661-724-1281

Thank You Firefighters

Portal Ridge Fire, August 5 2004
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Portal Ridge, Superscooper Portal Ridge Superscooper doing it's job
Fire moving over ridge Fire starts to run over ridge.
On target Flame reaching over
wind changed August 5 2004. The wind changed
Flames on the move Flames doing what they do best, burn baby burn.
Confined the area Trying to Keep it confined
Look's like its . OH NO! Just when you think you have it licked.
The wind blows Wind kicks up!
Blacken the sky Smoke blacken the sky
Golfing? Can't stop a good game of Golf!
Par Really, I got par.
See what I can burn. Showing the power.
near Elizabeth Lake rd. Elizabeth Lake Road
One of many drops One of the many drops. Thanks.
Mud drop When the lake is low, muck makes a good drop.
Thanks again!
Superscooper Superscooper.
Superscooper 1
Aftermath Aftermath