Lake Elizabeth Mutual Water Company

14960 Elizabeth Lake Road. Elizabeth Lake, Ca 93532


Phone 661-724-1806

Fax 661-724-1281

Hours 6 am to 12 pm - 1 pm to 3 pm
Monday thru Friday

 shutoff policy 

Senate Bill 998
Shut-off letter Name Doe, Smith
Shut-offs Address 12345 Main st
Median duration of shut-offs Days "0"


Water meters are read monthly
near or after the 15th.
(7.48 gals = 1 cubic foot)
(500 cubic feet = 3,740 gals)

 THE METER FEE(S) is $35.31 per Month +  1 to 500 cubic feet flat fee $27.39 = minimum $62.70

501 to 4000 cubic feet  = $6.93 for each 100 cubic feet

 4001 to 7000 cubic feet = $7.37 for each 100 cubic feet

7001cubic feet and above =$8.02 for each 100 cubic feet

Due Date on all Water Bills is the 15th of each month

$20.00 Late Charge

Construction Hydrant Water is $0.02 per gallon
with $500.00 meter deposit.


Assessment period is May 1 to April 30 of each year

$65.00 per share per year charge,
minimum 2 shares = $130.00 minimum assessment per Year

10% annual late fee on any unpaid balance at billing cycle.

For metered water services only¸ monthly assessment can be arranged by calling the office.
at 661-724-1806, late charge will be applied at the water service rate listed above.
Monthly 2 shares, 1 Lot = $10.84 per Month


Lake Elizabeth Mutual Water Company

Service Connection Fee

3/4" meter      $8,250.00

1" meter       $10,120.00

2" meter       $19,800.00

4" meter       $46,200.00

As of 6/01/2007
Antelope Valley-East Kern   (A.V.E.K)
Capacity Fee- For a 3/4" meter $5,659

The Antelope Valley East Kern Water Agency 's, capacity Fee must be paid first. After payment to AVEK (6500 W.Avenue N. Palmdale, Ca. - 661-943-3201) for their current Capacity Charge, please bring copy of receipt to LEMWC.